Shamanic healingsessions
The Orinico is the shaman's vehicle. A gate through which you can enter your Jaguar power. Feeling and transforming your body into a new consciousness. In these sessions we work with Icaro chants and body awareness. Where the tobacco stands for focus and grounding, which is necessary when walking a healthy balanced spiritual path, in this ceremony we will work with the core of (your) existence. Experiencing unity in all that is, in all its simplicity. The personal self is disassembled and consciousness identifies with universal consciousness beyond time and space. The songs and sounds bring our consciousness into "Nahual-time", a meditative dream state between different worlds, where deeper knowing lives, knowing without a filter or boundary of our own limiting thinking. Linking our human consciousness to the core of your spirit is very healing and balancing on all levels of your existence. In the mental field you can assemble your new identity, a work of rebirth in this present life. Physically you can get started with your own healing potential. You create imbalance and therefore disease in your life / body, so you are also the one who can restore this order. Without limiting thinking as an obstacle, you start to work with your feeling body and the deeper knowing, know what needs to be done to restore your balance. All these forms of healing naturally have a profound effect on your present existence. The new insights also ask of you to reflect your life on it, to crystallize the deep knowing in the physical matter. Live who you really are, leave the limiting ideas for what they are; no more than stories from past experiences, whether or not traumatic. Here and now you create your existence as you wish.
You are the creator who creates himself and makes creation together with others. The new earth does not arise outside, but within each of us, every day anew. The Orinoco River is the inspiration for this naming. This river is one of the longest rivers in South America, mainly located in Venezuela. Many peoples and indigenous tribes live along this beautiful 2000 km long river.
These sessions are only accessible to people who are engaged in an engagement shift .
It is recommended to follow a short shamanic diet the day of a session or ceremony to purify yourself. Also drink plenty of water to get all the toxins out. If it is not possible for you to follow the diet, make sure that you only eat a light breakfast and drink plenty of water the day of the session. Provide yourself with enough rest with a session the day itself, but also the day after. You will be able to surrender to the moment better if you know that you don't have all kinds of plans the next morning.
Orinoco Groupsessions
The Orinoco ceremonies can be found in different formulas. For example, Marijn and Juanita bring together an Orinoco session for men and women, but you can also follow Orinoco ceremonies only for women or only for men.
Every song, every tone and melody holds a specific frequency just like a prayer or an angel, or a crystal etc… So you can use these songs to evoke a specific frequency and to instill in yourself or others. This is one of the most effective forms of healing. These icaro Orinoco ceremonies are open to men and women. The guidance is done by Marijn & Juanita together. The Orinoco ceremonies can take place in the form of an evening session or an afternoon session. Pay close attention to these details in our agenda.
In this special edition of the Touch of Women ceremonies, we will work a little deeper. Where the tobacco stands for focus and grounding, which is necessary when walking a healthy balanced spiritual path, in this ceremony we will work with the core of (your) existence. Experiencing unity in all that is, in all its simplicity. The personal self is disassembled and consciousness identifies with universal consciousness beyond time and space. A ceremony for and by women.
Dates of upcoming sessions - ONLY FOR SHIFT PARTICIPANTS ***
Check pricelist
Accompanied by: Juanita Pyl
During this session you can also choose to work only with Tobacco, just like on a regular Touch of Women session. If you choose the Orinoco formula you need to be a Shifter.